
General Dermatology

Get to the root cause of your skin, hair, nail, or mucosal problems with a general dermatology consultation in NYC. General dermatology can help you get a clear diagnosis to treat diseases and injuries related to the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membrane. If over-the-counter products are not working for your skin condition, a general dermatology consultation can help.

Every person has a unique skin, hair, nail, or mucosal problem. PFRANKMD is a bespoke aesthetic medical practice brand that will customize a special treatment program to effectively address your skin concerns.

At PFRANKMD, board-certified medical and cosmetic dermatologists draw on their years of experience to create personalized treatment plans.

Which Skin Concerns Require Treatment from a General Dermatologist?

Most of the time, a patient’s skin, hair, nail, or mucosal problems need more professional attention than they are aware of. Delaying a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist can result in the condition becoming worse, creating additional issues.

Here are some of the many services we provide and skin conditions that we treat at PFRANKMD:

Our office is equipped with a variety of state-of-the-art technologies to address numerous skin problems. This includes the Excimer laser, which is ideal for the treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis.

Skin Checks

Skin checks are thorough skin evaluations performed to develop an understanding of all skin imperfections on a patient’s body. These full-body examinations allow medical professionals to catch a number of different types of skin conditions. They can then recommend proper treatment for these conditions.

Skin Cancer Screening and Treatment

Skin cancer can be very dangerous. It can grow and spread to other types of tissue, can even be fatal in certain cases. The sooner skin cancer is discovered and treated, the less damage it can cause.

Skin cancer screening is a way for medical professionals to determine whether or not a skin lesion is cancerous. Abnormal-looking lesions may be cancerous, and changes in a lesion’s appearance over time can also be a warning sign.

Skin cancer treatments aims to remove all cancerous cells from a lesion and the surrounding skin. The most effective skin cancer treatment is Mohs surgery, which involves removal of skin layers and lab examination of the removed tissue until all cancer cells are gone.

Benign Growths

Cysts: Cysts are lumps in the skin that range in size and grow over time. They can form anywhere on the body. In some cases, they are filled with fluid. They may be painful and can become infected.

Cherry Angiomas: These red, purple, or blue lesions typically appear in groups on the back, chest, or abdomen. They are formed from numerous small capillaries and are not harmful, though they may bleed.

Warts: Warts are growths that form on the skin and have a rough texture. It is common for them to form on the fingers and toes. Warts appear because of the human papillomavirus, which is spread through breaks in the skin. Skin contact with the virus is a common cause.

Seborrheic Keratosis: These small benign skin lesions are black or brown and form on the back, neck, face, or chest. Seborrheic keratoses experience growth over time and can be rough or waxy. They may form due to heredity.

Benign Moles: Benign moles are non-cancerous, pigmented skin growths. They are usually raised and may be brown, black, or pink. Moles are usually composed of pigment-producing melanocyte cells. They can appear over time due to factors like sunlight exposure.

Dermatofibroma: These raised nodules can appear on any part of the body, but typically form on the lower legs. They can be itchy or painful. In some cases, they can be the result of minor injuries, while in others, they may form due to autoimmune conditions.

Skin Tags: These are small protections of hanging flesh that often form when skin rubs against fabric or skin repeatedly. Because of this, they usually appear in skin creases in areas like the groin, armpits, breast creases, upper chest, eyelids, and neck. Skin tags are sometimes connected to the body by a stalk, know as a peduncle.

Acne Treatments

Active Acne: When oil, bacteria, hair, and dead skin cells are trapped in a clogged pore, this usually leads to formation of acne. Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts are all forms of active acne.

Acne Scars: These small scars appear on the skin after acne lesions have disappeared. They are the result of damage to the skin and can make people feel self-conscious about their skin’s appearance.

Body Acne: This type of acne can form anywhere other than the soles and palms. It typically affects areas like the shoulders, chest, back, upper arms, and back of the neck. Pores on the body are bigger than pores on the face, and because of this, body acne is typically more prominent.

Folliculitis: When too much bacteria forms in a hair follicle, it can become infected and inflamed. This issue is known as folliculitis. Folliculitis appears as tiny pimple clusters that are often pus-filled, and it can cause soreness and itchiness.


Vitiligo is a skin disease characterized by lighter patches of skin due to melanin pigment loss. It can occur anywhere on the body, including mucous membranes and hair. Vitiligo’s cause may be related to a specific triggering event, an autoimmune condition, or heredity. It can lead to an increased chance of sunburn, hearing loss, and eye issues.


Rosacea is a type of skin issue that appears as facial redness and tiny swollen bumps. It can cause eye problems, a burning feeling, and rhinophyma (thickening of the nasal skin). It may be caused by heredity, the immune system, and various environmental factors. Rosacea flare-ups can occur due to triggers like emotional responses, extreme temperatures, and diet.


Also often called “the mask of pregnancy,” melasma is a form of dark brown hyperpigmentation that usually forms symmetrically on both sides of the face. It can also form on areas like the forearms and neck. It often affects people with darker skin tones. While melasma is most common for women, men may also experience it. Its causes can include hormonal factors, sun exposure, thyroid disease, and stress.


Psoriasis: Psoriasis appears in the form of scaly rough patches of purple, pink, or red skin. These dry itchy patches can be painful and may bleed. They frequently form on the elbows, knees, scalp, and torso. Psoriasis flare-ups occur due to triggers like medications, infections, and skin abrasions like cuts and burns.

Eczema: This skin condition can result in blisters, rashes, itchiness, scaling, and dryness. Sufferers experience flare-ups, often due to environmental triggers like certain metals, cleaners, fabrics, skin cleansers, dust, and extreme temperatures. There are many types of eczema, including atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Keratosis Pilaris: If you have small bumps or rough skin patches, you may have keratosis pilaris. The bumps resulting from this condition don’t itch or cause pain. Commonly affected areas include the thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and cheeks. Keratosis pilaris results from keratin buildup in hair follicles.

General Skincare

Dry Skin: Dry skin is a skin type characterized by the skin’s sebaceous glands producing insufficient sebum, or oil. Dry skin experiences symptoms like flaking, redness, and scaling. Skin may be naturally dry or may be dry due to health issues like hypothyroidism or other causes. Moisturizing with medical-grade skincare products made specifically for dry skin can be an ideal solution.

Dehydrated Skin: Dehydrated skin is lacking in water. In some cases, this can be the result of not drinking enough water, while in others, it may result from losing too much water due to sweating or other factors. Dehydrated skin may be itchy or dry and may have fine wrinkles or a dull complexion.

Acne-Prone Skin: Skin that experiences an increase in oil production, bacteria, or dead skin cells is more prone to developing acne. While oily skin can be very acne prone, dry and sensitive skin can also overcompensate by creating more oil, leading to more acne.

Inflammation: Skin inflammation is an immune-system response that results in redness, rashes, pimples, stinging, burning, itching, blisters, raw areas, and/or a feeling of warmth. It can be triggered by allergic reactions, heat, infections, irritants, and immune-system conditions.

Sun Damage

Sunspots: These flat areas of excess skin pigmentation are the result of overexposure to the sun. Because of this, these brown spots typically form on overexposed areas like the face, backs of the hands, back, and shoulders. People usually start to notice them around age 40.

Sweat Glands (Hyperhidrosis)

If you’ve noticed that you’re sweating more profusely than others, especially when no environmental triggers are present, you may have hyperhidrosis. People with this condition have hyperactive sweat glands in areas like their palms, underarms, soles, and face. It can occur due to anxiety, certain medical conditions, and other factors.

Hair Loss

Alopecia: Alopecia is the technical term for hair loss. There are a number of potential causes, and the cause determines the type of alopecia being experienced. Alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, and androgenic alopecia are all common types of alopecia.

Telogen Effluvium: This form of alopecia appears as a generalized or specific thinning of hair. It is also known as diffuse alopecia areata.

The hair-growth cycle consists of the anagen (growth), catagen (transition), telogen (resting), and exogen (shedding) phases. When a significantly large number of hairs are in the telogen phase, this is an indicator of telogen effluvium. It has numerous potential causes, including hormones, medications, and diet.


Nail Fungus: Also called onychomycosis, nail fungus is a condition that affects the fingernails and toenails, along with surrounding finger and toe tissues. It causes issues like yellow or white spots, nail discoloration, and nail breakage.

Seborrhea: Seborrhea is a skin condition that appears in the form of white scales and a red skin rash. It can occur on many regions of the face and the body. Sebaceous glands in the skin naturally secrete an oily substance called sebum. When a certain yeast is present, it is spread through overproduction of sebum, resulting in this skin condition.

Dandruff: Dandruff is a mild type of seborrheic dermatitis that can result in tiny flakes of skin appearing in a person’s hair and facial hair. It appears in the form of flaking and red rashes on the scalp, and it can also cause an itchy feeling in the affected areas.


Keloid Scars and Hypertrophic Scars: These types of scars are raised and have a very pronounced appearance. Keloid scars can grow past the borders of the injury that caused them. They are also long-lasting and often require treatment. Hypertrophic scars do not grow past the borders of the wound. They may fade over time.

Acne Scars: Acne scars form after skin damage caused by acne. They can be shallow or deeper and can come in many forms, including boxcar, rolling, and ice pick scars.

Leg Veins (Sclerotherapy)

Prominent varicose or spider veins on the legs appear due to vein malfunctions. The valves in veins aid in proper blood flow throughout the body. When these valves weaken over time, blood pools, swelling the affected vein.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment in which a saltwater solution (a sclerosant) is injected into the targeted vein. This causes further swelling, cutting off blood flow entirely. The blood vessel then shrinks and collapses. Finally, it is absorbed by the body, causing the skin to be clear and vein-free again.

When Should I See a General Dermatologist?

A general dermatology consultation in New York with a board-certified dermatologist can help you identify the reason behind your skin, hair, nail, or mucosal problems. These medical conditions are different from person to person, as are their ideal treatment methods. Acne, for example, can sometimes be addressed with over-the-counter products, but different products work for different people based on a number of factors.

Other skin conditions can also be a sign of something more serious. Rashes are often the result of allergic reactions, infections, autoimmune conditions, or other issues. Psoriasis may come from chronic stress or a recent change in lifestyle. These are a few examples of medical conditions with underlying root causes that can be easily overlooked.

It is best to get a general dermatology consultation as soon as possible to prevent further damage or infection on the surface or within the deeper layers of the skin, hair, nail, or mucosa. You should seek professional help immediately if your skin conditions are negatively affecting your quality of life.

The Benefits of Treating Skin Conditions That Require a General Dermatologist

There are a number of benefits to treating skin conditions with the help of a general dermatologist in the greater NYC area.

Many people choose to self-diagnose their skin issues. This can lead to an incorrect diagnosis, resulting in an ineffective treatment strategy. When your condition is professionally diagnosed by an experienced board-certified dermatologist, the likelihood of an incorrect diagnosis is much lower. The treatment strategy is also much more likely to be effective.

Treating your skin condition professionally also ensures that the chosen treatment strategy will not conflict with any concurrent treatments, medications, supplements, health conditions, or allergies.

Finally, treating your skin condition with the help of a skilled general dermatologist helps prevent the condition from becoming more severe or spreading.

It is best to get a general dermatology consultation as soon as possible to prevent further damage or infection on the surface or within the deeper layers of the skin, hair, nail, or mucosa. You should seek professional help immediately if your skin conditions are negatively affecting your quality of life.

What to Expect During a General Dermatology Consultation

During a dermatology consultation in NYC, the dermatologist will evaluate your skin, hair, nail, or mucosal concerns. Here is what you can expect when you pay a visit to our office:

· The doctor may perform a physical assessment of your skin condition.
· The doctor will ask you about your symptoms, touching on factors like severity and time frame.
· The doctor will go over your complete medical history, including current medications and allergies.
· You may need to take skin or lab tests.
· The doctor will select the correct treatment for you. This will include an in-depth discussion of the treatment process.

After the initial consultation, you will undergo the recommended treatment. You may need to come back for a follow-up appointment depending on the results of your treatment.

How Much Do Treatments from a General Dermatologist Usually Cost?

The total price of general dermatology treatments in the greater NYC area will depend on the medical condition’s diagnosis, the chosen treatment method, and the treatment plan. We accept health insurance coverage from most major providers. Speak with your medical insurance to check your coverage, and discuss claims and payment options with our finance department.

Contact Us to Learn More

Schedule your free and easy general dermatology consultation with board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, to discuss your concerns and explore treatment options. Contact the PFRANKMD team today at (212) 327-2919.