

While certain rashes may go away on their own once exposure to the irritant is minimized, many rash conditions need professional intervention for successful healing. At PFRANKMD, we have a great deal of experience treating rashes in both of our NYC locations.

What Are Rashes?

Rashes appear in many different forms. Some appear as inflamed red bumps on the skin, while other types may look dry and flaky. These can be very itchy and uncomfortable. The causes of skin rashes include viruses, bacterial infections, exposure to allergens, and extreme temperature changes.

Our Treatment Options

At PFRANKMD, we determine the ideal treatment option for each patient’s rash. We provide a number of effective solutions for rashes:

Excimer UVB Therapy – Rashes caused by eczema or psoriasis can be treated with UVB therapy using the cutting-edge Excimer laser. This option treats these skin issues with ultraviolet light.

Laser Genesis – Laser genesis reduces inflammation and improves the appearance of rashes. The heat from the laser causes the blood vessels to shrink, resulting in reduced redness.

Topical and Oral Medications – Oral antihistamines, anti-inflammatory creams, steroids, or immunosuppressants may be prescribed to reduce itching, inflammation, and other symptoms of rashes.

MedLite and PICO Laser – These two laser treatments are quite effective for treatment of keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris affects hair follicles. MedLite is able to deliver laser energy directly to the hair follicles. PICO laser treatment focuses on reducing discoloration.

When to Seek Treatment

Seek treatment for rashes if your symptoms appear suddenly and spread rapidly. It is also imperative to arrange an immediate appointment if you are having trouble breathing, which could indicate an anaphylactic reaction. Patients with severe, recurring, or infected rashes are ideal candidates for treatment.

Diagnosing Rashes

To the untrained eye, rashes may look alike. A rash needs to be properly identified so that it can be effectively treated. During a consultation, a physical examination will be performed to assess the symptoms, type of rash, and potential causes. Diagnostic tests may be performed. You will be asked about your medical history, including any underlying illnesses and all current medications.

Once the rash has been properly diagnosed, a course of treatment will be devised. We will talk to you about our recommended treatment options to make sure you’re well informed about the process.

After Your Rash Treatment

There is no downtime or recovery time associated with treatments for rashes. You will be able to resume normal activities right away. Some patients may experience temporary redness after a laser treatment; this should resolve within the next few days.

Cost of Treatment for Rashes

There are several factors that can impact the cost of treatment for rashes. Each individual is unique, and treatments are tailored specifically for each patient. The overall cost will reflect the type of treatment chosen and the number of sessions required.

Schedule Your Consultation

Reduce the symptoms of unsightly and unpleasant rashes in NYC. To discover your options, schedule your free and easy consultation with board certified dermatologist, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, by contacting PFRANKMD today at (212) 327-2919.