
Fungal Treatment

A fungus can cause a fungal infection that may affect your hair, nails, skin, mucous membranes, or other body parts. These types of infections often attack those with a weakened immune system and are most common on the skin and nails. If you are dealing with a fungal infection, you might want to consider getting treatment for fungus at one of our NYC locations.

What Is a Fungal Infection?

Anyone may contract a fungal infection. It usually occurs in parts of the body that experience a lot of friction or have trapped moisture.

You might be more at risk of getting fungal infections if you have diabetes, poor circulation, or weak immunity due to AIDS/HIV, cancer or cancer treatments, or immunosuppressant medications. Other high-risk candidates include those who are obese, suffering from incontinence, experimenting with a new skincare product, tend to sweat excessively, or are pregnant.

Symptoms of a Fungal Infection

Skin infections due to fungus usually appear bright red and can affect a larger area of the body once they spread. There may be scaling that grows more intense around the border of the infection, and there may also be lesions on the edges of the rashes.

Symptoms of fungal skin infections can often be found in any part of the body but more commonly in parts with skin folds, such as the thighs, buttocks, or groin.

Causes of Fungal Infections

The most common causes of fungus-related infections are molds, yeast, and other types of fungus. Some of these fungi include:

Candida albicans – This type of yeast is found in the human body without causing harm. However, it is an opportunistic fungus that attacks the body under certain circumstances, such as a weakened immune system, and may cause redness, itching, and even serious fungal infections.

Dermatophytes – This group of fungi thrives in keratin-rich areas, such as the nails, hair, and the skin’s outer layers. Dermatophyte infections are also known as tinea or ringworm, which show symptoms such as scaling, rashes, and itching.

Environmental fungi – These are fungi found in water or soil.

Diagnosing Fungal-Related Infections

 Here at PFRANKMD, our skilled experts will diagnose a fungal infection by examining your skin and asking about your symptoms. The initial diagnosis is confirmed by checking scrapings from the affected skin under a microscope. A fungal culture test may be conducted to determine the type of fungus you have and how to treat it properly.

A fungal culture test requires that a small part of your skin or fluid be removed for the diagnostic tests. Serious fungal infections may require a blood test.

Treatment Options

We are happy to help you deal with the fungus problems using our PFRANKMD Therapeutic Skincare products. These are topical treatments you can use to address the symptoms, and prevent the infections from getting worse.

Schedule a Consultation

Get expert help addressing your fungus skin problems in NYC from board-certified dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank and our team of professional healthcare providers. Contact PFRANKMD to schedule a consultation at our 5th Avenue or West Village location in NYC.