

Discover the rejuvenating potential of under-eye fillers. Explore how these transformative treatments can refresh your look, reducing dark circles and revitalizing the under-eye area for a naturally enhanced gaze.

As we age, the skin under the eyes loses volume, which causes hollowing and makes the fat pocket look more pronounced. Under eye circles are a combination of brown pigment, purple discoloration, and a loss volume, which only gets more pronounced over time.

What Are Under Eye Fillers?

Under eye fillers, also known as tear trough fillers, are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to address concerns such as hollowness, dark circles, and fine lines under the eyes. These fillers typically use hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, to restore volume and hydration to the delicate under eye area.

The Under Eye Filler Experience

Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank uses under eye fillers to delicately sculpt the area beneath the eyes, reducing the appearance of shadows and providing a more rested and refreshed look. The result is a subtle enhancement that maintains the natural contours of your face.


Topical numbing agents are often used to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Plus, with minimal downtime, under eye fillers are an ideal solution for those seeking a subtle yet impactful refresh without the commitment of more invasive options.

The Benefits of Under Eye Filler

Brighter, More Youthful Eyes

Under Eye fillers work wonders in brightening and rejuvenating the eyes. Say goodbye to the tired, worn-out look and hello to a more youthful and vibrant gaze.

Natural-Looking Results

The goal of under eye fillers is to enhance your natural beauty, not alter it. The carefully administered injections ensure a seamless blend with your existing features, providing subtle yet effective results.

Quick and Convenient

With most sessions lasting around 30 minutes, under eye filler treatments fit seamlessly into busy lifestyles. Achieve radiant eyes without the need for extensive downtime.

Is Under Eye Filler Right for You?

Dr. Frank believes that every face is unique, and so should be your treatment. Prior to your under eye filler journey, he will assess your specific concerns and goals to tailor the treatment to your individual needs.

Can Under Eye Filler Be Combined With Other Treatments?

To further improve the superficial pigment in the area, Dr. Frank often combines injectables with laser therapy. When treating the right candidate, this is a very popular procedure that requires experience, skill, and judgment.

Schedule A Consultation

Small changes make a significant difference, and there is no single best technique. At PFRANKMD, we use a variety of fillers, needles, and cannulas to achieve results that are customized and ideal for each patient. Contact the PFRANKMD team today to schedule your under eye filler consultation at our West Village or Upper East Side location in New York City.


Are Under Eye Fillers Suitable for Both Men and Women?

Yes, eye fillers can be used to address aesthetic concerns for both men and women.

Are Under Eye Filler Treatments Suitable for All Skin Tones?

Yes, individuals with light, medium, or darker skin tones may be candidates for eye filler treatments.

If I am Pregnant or Breastfeeding, Can I Get Eye Filler Treatments?

No, patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not considered to be suitable candidates for the procedure.

Can Under Eye fillers be used to correct asymmetry?

Yes, eye fillers can be used to address asymmetry by adding volume to one side or the other, creating a more balanced appearance.