Tumescent Liposuction Recovery: Expectations & Tips for a Full Recovery
Dr. Frank, a New York City board-certified cosmetic surgeon, shares some of his recommendations on liposuction recovery to help minimize downtime and reduce the risk for post-procedure complications.

How Can You Reduce Liposuction Recovery Time?
2. Take the medications as prescribed: You may be prescribed pain medication to help manage any discomfort during the recovery process. It’s important to take these medications as directed by your surgeon.
3. Avoid strenuous activity: Avoid strenuous activity, such as heavy lifting and exercise, for at least the first week after the procedure. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on when you can resume normal activities.
4. Keep incisions clean: It’s important to keep the incision sites clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection. Follow your surgeon’s instructions on how to care for the incision sites.
5. Eat a balanced diet: A well-balanced diet helps support your recovery and improve the results after tumescent liposuction. It’s important to eat a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and to drink plenty of fluids to help your body heal.
Maintaining Results After Liposuction Recovery
Over the years, Dr. Frank has recommended exercise to keep unwanted fat from returning. While exercise is recommended, it’s also critical that you work with your cosmetic surgeon to understand your recovery timeline and what types of exercise are safe to do when. In addition, a healthy, well-balanced diet is highly recommended to maintain your liposuction results.
Once you have that timeline established, it is important to not neglect exercise as part of the liposuction recovery process.
Schedule a Liposuction Consultation
To schedule a tumescent liposuction consultation and ask any questions you may have, fill out our consultation form or give us a call at (212) 327-2919.