

The Double Chin: Causes and Solutions

Among both men and women, a double chin ranks high as a source of aesthetic dissatisfaction. In a 2014 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 68% of the more than 8,300 respondents named excess fat under the neck and chin as a top concern. For men, a double chin can soften the face and obscure bone structure, detracting from an otherwise strong jawline. For women, that pocket of chin fat can add a weighty fullness and unwanted years to even a youthful face. For everybody, a double chin can signal a frustrating and seemingly futile battle against stubbornly-placed fat.

A double chin can be the result of a number of factors, including genetic predisposition, weight gain, and the natural aging process. Most often it is a combination of two or more factors. Lamentably, once a double chin has formed, it can become an unsightly tenacious fixture that dominates the lower region of the face. Even a proper diet and regular exercise may not provide an adequate solution. In fact, one of the reasons the double chin is so high on the list of complaints is that it is difficult to address. Until rather recently, ridding yourself of a double chin meant undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Fortunately, today there are more options. A pioneering figure in the world of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, Dr. Frank has developed some highly advanced and minimally-invasive fat removal techniques that specifically target chin fat. He is also setting the standard for the newest fat reduction treatment on the market, Kybella. To treat excess chin fat, Dr. Frank regularly performs the following procedures at his New York office:

  • UltraTight Treatment. UltraTight, Dr. Frank’s own technique, is a minimally invasive procedure that adds definition to the chin area. Combining state-of-the-art ultrasound technology with liposuction, Dr. Frank can lift, sculpt and strengthen the jawline. This procedure is highly popular among his male patients.
  • Kybella injections. Recently approved by the FDA, Kybella is an injectable treatment that can slim down a double chin. Once injected, Kybella melts fat, prompting the body to naturally flush out the dead fat cells. A powerful tool in the fight against localized fat, Kybella is one of the most promising double chin treatments to date. Dr. Frank is one of the few board-certified fat removal specialists to offer Kybella injections.

Once fat cells are removed from the chin, either via liposuction or Kybella injectable treatment, they are eliminated for good. This means the results of the contouring procedures can be enduring. However, weight fluctuation can re-introduce a double chin, so it is important that you establish healthy habits and maintain your weight. Exercise and a balanced diet are key players in ensuring post-procedure success and long-lasting effects.

Double Chin Consultation with Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, NYC

If you are self-conscious about your double chin, contact usfor an assessment. Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank will recommend the fat removal treatment that can most effectively eliminate your double chin.