


As the creator of UltraTight™, Dr. Frank is proud to offer his patients this exclusive new treatment. As we age, collagen production slows and gravity begins to take its toll on skin elasticity. Up until now, loose, sagging skin on the jawline and neck has been hard to target without surgical intervention. UltraTight™ solves this problem.

What is PFRANKMD UltraTight™?

Loose neck skin can weigh you down, causing you to look larger and older than you are. The UltraTight™ treatment incorporates aspects of ultrasound technology and minimally invasive liposuction to tighten and lift unsightly neck skin, making you look and feel younger while improving the youthful structure of the region.

Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank of PFRANKMD in New York City featured on NEWYORKOBSERVER

Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank prominently featured and illustrated as the cover story, and featured, photographed and quoted in the profile story “Fifty Shades of Dorian Gray”

The Procedure

UltraTight™ works by treating the fat on the patient’s chin and neck, allowing Dr. Frank to lift and sculpt the region, imitating the youthful visage that was once present.

During the procedure, the patient will be put under local anesthesia. Dr. Frank will then make two small incisions in the target area. These incisions are so slight that they close without sutures. Using a novel internal ultrasonic device, Dr. Frank is able to decrease deep pockets of fat and simultaneously tighten superficial skin that has lost its elasticity.

UltraTight™ is for both men and women who wish to tighten loose skin or reduce excess fat concentrated in the neck and below the jawline. Patients often seek Dr. Frank’s expertise in reducing the appearance of a “turkey neck” or “double chin,” both of which can be eliminated through his UltraTight™ treatment.

The Recovery

Dr. Frank understands that you are busy and wish to return to your normal routine as quickly as possible. The UltraTight™ procedure was designed with your needs in mind. Patients need about 2-3 days off work while they recover, and can resume moderate exercise within a week*. You will start noticing signs of progress in the weeks and months following your treatment*. Improvements will continue for about three months as your body produces new collagen in the treatment area.


Your Consultation with Dr. Frank

Dr. Frank is here to help you feel and look like the best version of yourself. He takes great pride in guiding his patients towards attaining the look they desire; a motive that guided his initial inspiration in developing the UltraTight™ treatment.

Dr. Frank is currently the only doctor in the country performing the UltraTight™ procedure. As the inventor of this innovative procedure, Dr. Frank is truly the number one expert on its technique and application – a technique that he has since refined and perfected. Contact our New York City office to schedule your complimentary consultation.

UltraTight™ Before & After

UltraTight™ Before and After photo by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank of PFRANKMD in New York City, NY
UltraTight™ Before and After photo by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank of PFRANKMD in New York City, NY
UltraTight™ Before and After photo by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank of PFRANKMD in New York City, NY