

All about Vivace Microneedling and the Benefits of Radiofrequency

With so many medical advances in the field of face and body contouring, it can be hard to feel knowledgeable about which procedure is the best option for you. Whether or not you have started researching products and processes to enhance your beauty, you may have heard about microneedling and radiofrequency. These minimally-invasive treatments can do wonders for your skin. Learning more about Vivace™ microneedling and the benefits of radiofrequency will be crucial to choosing the proper system for your skin needs.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is basically exactly as it sounds – very small needles. A topical numbing agent can be applied beforehand, and the needles are micro in size. The wand, equipped with multiple needles, is applied to the areas in need and they produce microscopic holes in the epidermis which the body fills with collagen. Collagen is what we lack as we age causing wrinkles to form. Therefore, you are left with a tighter, fuller, and more supple appearance of skin.

How Is Radiofrequency Used?

Radiofrequency is the use of electromagnetic waves of energy. The frequency is low, so the only thing you will notice is the results. The frequency waves create heated energy which promotes a healing process in the skin, causing a quick overturn of cells. This provides the youthful look desired. When the radiofrequency is combined with the microneedling, it provides excellent results.

Am I a Candidate?

If you are unhappy with the condition of your skin, whether it be caused from aging, scarring or sagging, then you are indeed a candidate for Vivace™ microneedling with radiofrequency. If you live a busy life and have just minutes to spare, you are as able to partake in this health venture as someone with a leisurely lifestyle. Having it done can be part of beauty maintenance as well.

Benefits of Vivace™ Microneedling

Aesthetically the benefits of this procedure are outstanding. Skin corrections include tightening in areas such as under the chin or jowls, smoothing of wrinkles and fine lines, and even reducing patches of scarring or stretch marks. Direct benefits to the patient are the ease of treatments, painless, little downtime and the feeling you get when you know you look your best. Confidence on how we appear on the outside certainly influences how we feel on the inside.

Vivace™ microneedling at PFRANKMD™ is set high above other skin perfecting processes. The results speak for themselves. For more information you can visit us in New York, NY to speak with our professionals. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!