

5 Ways to Get the Most From Your Liposuction

You are determined to say farewell to stubborn fat once and for all. Fortunately, your resolve is possible with the help of today’s non-invasive fat removal technologies.
Liposuction and advanced laser fat removal techniques–such as SculpSure, Liposonix and SmartLipo– can help you perfect your shape and lead to enduring results. But how can you ensure that your body-sculpting investment continues to pay dividends over time?
When asked about the best way to maintain results after liposuction, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, an internationally renowned fat removal specialist, emphasizes the power of healthy habits. Here are his top 5 tips for staying trim after liposuction:

  • Exercise. Although it may be tempting to skip that trip to the gym after liposuction, a fat removal procedure should be viewed as part of an overall slimming strategy. In fact, exercise is the most important factor in maintaining your lean, sculpted figure.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Like exercise, diet plays a crucial role in keeping the body in top form. After liposuction, fat cells are permanently removed. However, a poorly managed diet can lead to weight fluctuations, which can diminish the benefits of liposuction.
  • Manage your stress. From energy levels to the quality of our skin, the effects of stress on our bodies can be significant. Unfortunately, a high level of stress can also be a predictor for fat accumulation. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is linked to unhealthy food cravings–specifically, a desire for food that tends to expand the waistline. When you are facing a deadline at work, avoid reaching for a bag of chips.
  • Stay hydrated. Laser liposuction techniques take advantage of the body’s own waste removal system to flush out fat cells once they are destroyed by laser energy. Give your body a cleansing boost and drink plenty of water, particularly in the 6-12 weeks after treatment.
  • Quit smoking. After a liposuction procedure, you want to encourage the body to heal. Even if you are a moderate smoker, smoking not only puts your health at risk, you are slowing your body’s ability to bounce back.

New York-based Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank brings the latest fat removal technologies to his practice and can customize the right treatment plan for you.  If you would like to know more about the body contouring procedures offered by Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, contact our Manhattan practice consultation.