Kybella made a big splash and brought fat under the chin to everyone’s minds. One of the most common aesthetics complaints among men and women is having a double chin. This excess fat obscures definition along the jawline and in the neck area, even among individuals with ideal body weight.
Why is a Double Chin So Difficult to Target?
Chin fat, or submental fat, is considered stubborn fat. This term refers to fat in highly resistant, fat-harboring areas, such as the hips, thighs, abdomen and chin. Although diet and exercise can address an overall weight issue, the only way to reduce the fatty cells in these stubborn pockets is to remove them. Fortunately, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank is well versed in the most advanced contouring and fat removal techniques that are available today to safely and effectively improve the appearance of the neckline.
So What Are The Best Treatments for Double Chin?
New York City-based Dr. Frank uses four techniques to reduce the appearance of double chins:
- Liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure to remove fat with tiny holes, local anesthesia and short downtime. Dr. Paul J. Frank has refined neck liposuction with his unique DualSculpt technique, a precise method that simultaneously removes fat and tightens the skin using SmartLipo MPX and VASER Liposuction.
- Kybella is an innovative, minimally-invasive injectable technique recently approved by the FDA. Kybella melts submental fat with the aid of its active ingredient, deoxycholic acid. Naturally produced by the body, deoxycholic acid is a substance that helps the body melt fat. Take into consideration that multiple sessions may be required over a few weeks period.
- Ultherapy can help to tighten the neck’s skin and is an excellent option for patients whose main concern is sagging skin, rather than excess fat. Dr. Frank uses this popular ultrasound wave technology to further tighten and sculpt the jawline following fat reduction.
Consultation with Dr. Frank
If you would like to improve the definition in the chin area, visit our Upper East Side (NYC) office and consult with Dr. Frank. He will examine your skin and go over treatment options one by one to see which one best fits your aesthetic concerns and lifestyle. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Frank today by calling +12123272919.