Newsletter 2018
Happy days are upon us! As I write to you, I am also enjoying the first weather break of the Spring season. The sun is shining outside my window and the chill of Winter appears to have receded. As usual, I am feeling enthusiastic and inspired for all that lies ahead at PFRANKMD™. We have some new technologies, new treatments, and exciting new memberships and treatment programs at PFRANKMD™ Skin Salon. As our family continues to grow in staff and services, we congratulate our Registered Nurse, Surgical Coordinator, and Laser Technician, Amanda, on her recent wedding vows. We all look forward to seeing you this Spring and we continue to be dedicated to helping in becoming the best version of you. See you soon!
Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank
Exercise Your Skin™
Membership Has Its Privileges
With the success of our Skin Fitness Membership Program we are proud to announce our Celebrity Skin Membership with our Lead Aesthetician and Ambassador for MDNA Skin and Madonna featuring our signature Hydra-Peel Facial, Oxygen Lifting Facial, and MDNA Skin Signature Facial developed by Madonna.
We are now offering Hair Laser Membership programs as everyone gears up for a well-groomed Summer season. Convenient and cost effective monthly charges and free touch ups for up to a year are just part of the advantages. We are also excited about new and advanced hair removal technologies from making the speed, safety, lack of pain, and versatility flawless in reducing hair permamently on any part of the body on any skin type. The Motus AX laser from Cartessa continues to change the landscape of hair removal. Stay tuned and check out our laser hair removal and other membership programs.
For more info on the Motus AX, watch this video

BRP™ Medical Facial
With 20 years of technologic advances, cosmetic experience, and practical research, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank presents his signature red carpet medical facial. Sequentially and non-invasively, we target each layer of the skin from the deep dermis all the way to the superficial epidermis. Dr. Frank has created his proprietary medical protocol combining 3 cutting edge radiofrequency and laser technologies to literally build, repair, and polish the skin all in a 30 minute, pain free, no downtime treatment.

It’s Melasma Season As The Springtime Heats Up
Wear that sunscreen and get the most cutting edge no downtime treatment for all forms of pigmentation with the Enlighten Picogenesis procedure! Performed in just a few minutes, this technology can be combined with any number of our cutting edge no downtime technologies. Ask about our Signature PFRANKMD™ Pigment Protocol

MDNA Skin Launches The Reinvention Cream
In conjunction with the queen of reinvention herself, Madonna, and MTG, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank is proud to announce the release of this all in one multifunctional product. Released at the perfect price point, this product is for everyone. Built upon the mineral rich thermal waters from Montecatini Italy, this rejuvenation formula is infused with stem cell extracts from the infamous resurrection plant found in Africa. Ask about this exciting addition to our line.